GDPR Policy

Our details

This website is owned and operated by James Bott, acting and operating under the trade name of JBottPhoto

You can contact myself by emailing

Data protection officer

Our data protection officer’s contact name is: James Bott

JBottPhoto DOES NOT collect, or store any cookies as part of this website.

Hosting for this website is provided by SquareSpace - Information on SquareSpace’s privacy policy can be found here -

By contacting JBottPhoto, you are consenting to the use of your personal information being used for the purposes of the intended communication. Email addresses and transcripts of correspondence may be retained for legal purposes for up to 5 years. JBottPhoto will not use this information for any other purposes other than that which the initial communication was intended.

Information collected for the purposes of invoicing, including but not limited to - Name, Address, Company information, Description of Services purchased and transaction details will be retained for 5 years in line with UK Government Tax requirements after which time they will be destroyed.

You have the right to request any and all data that JBottPhoto currently holds about your person. To request this, please email

You have the right to be forgotten, to request this, please email

Under GDPR legislation, a photograph may in some instances constitute a form of personal data where they can be processed to allow “the unique identification or authentication of a natural person”. JBottPhoto will never photograph an individual as a means of unique identification or authentication unless consensually contracted to do so. Attendees that appear in photos taken by JBottPhoto as a part of the visual documentation of the event in photos. Artists and individuals captured in portraits or in group photos do so as part of the event.

In terms of explicit GDPR compliance, Artists and Attendees are photographed within the parameters of GDPR legislation on the basis of ‘legitimate interests’. The taking of photographs of Artists and Attendees when viewed as a form of processing personal data is necessary for the legitimate interests of JBottPhoto as a photography business unless there is a good reason to protect a given individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests.

Operating within the parameters of legitimate interests as laid out in GDPR legislation, the disproportionate effort involved in providing privacy policy information to all Artists and Attendees at an event and the degree to which it would distract us from performing our job renders it infeasible to do. Promotors, Artists, Venue owners and anyone else who contracts the photographic services of JBottPhoto are therefor advised to inform attendees that photographs will be taken in the performance.


We may display photographs to promote JBottPhoto on the JBottPhoto website and blog, on social media, in exhibitions, in advertising, brochures, magazine articles and other such material, providing that the images used are used lawfully and without damage to JBottPhoto’s client(s).